Monday, April 25, 2011

Challenge Yourself, Each And Every Day.

As I start another week at my job I ask myself, “Am I challenging myself this week?” Sure, battling traffic, random meetings and the creep from the other department is challenging, but when was the last time you actually felt challenged in what you do. Now when I say, “challenged” I don’t mean transactional, time sensitive busy work, I mean creative, strategic thinking for what you’re working on. LifeStyle Ignition's article on 'Fake Work' is taking over corporate America everyday, and I’m definitely not accepting the meeting invite.

When is the last time you answered an email thinking of the next two responses that are going to come after the initial email? I've taken this approach with my clients and received ample feedback.  It saves time and shows your thought process.  How about this, when is the last time you’ve taken a step back, put yourself on mute and asked what is the main point of the conversation, project log or up sell you’re discussing? Listening and re-cooping thoughts is key in communication.

Taking a step back and realizing everything from a birds eye few gives a better perspective on you’re thinking process, and keeps your brain cranking.

For the next couple of months I want you to take a step back whenever you’re working on a project and ask yourself “who’s the hamster on the wheel? And “who’s dangling the carrot?”

Focus on the end in mind.

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